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Privacy policy - Business contacts


Data are processed in order to be included into distribution lists aimed at disclosing newsletters and information relevant to events.

You could be:

  • a client of one Grant Thornton entity, so you could receive informative newsletters concerning issues relevant to the contract. In this case, processing is aimed at executing the contract pursuant to art. 6, paragraph 1, letter a) of the Regulation;
  • a contact of a partner, an employee or a collaborator of Grant Thornton, who has informed you verbally and obtained your consent to include your data in the distribution list.

Disclosure of data is optional: without your explicit consent, your data will not be included in the distribution list and you will not receive any newsletter and informative material relevant to events.

Data will be retained up to the explicit request to erase them from the distribution list.

Processing relevant to the management of newsletter is subject to automated decision-making, including profiling, through statistical tracking systems, which allow knowing if a message is opened and how many clicks are made on links, specifically identifying their quantity and date.

Data can be disclosed to data processors, which Grant Thornton engages within outsourcing relationships, as well as to people authorized to personal data processing, under the direct authority of the Controller or the Processor for the purposes of this statement.

Data will not be disseminated and the processing of data is carried out only in one Member State of the European Union (EU) or in one Member State of the European Economic Area (EEA).


Below are the purposes related to the processing of data concerning events organized by Grant Thornton:

  • Refining your registration for event, providing you with any information relevant to the event, also after its occurrence, and to invite you to following editions of the same. The disclosure of data is required to correctly manage the registration for the event. Without such data, participation cannot be permitted. Data are processed pursuant to art. 6, paragraph 1, letter b) of the Regulation.
    Data will be retained also after the event to perform communication activities relevant to it and to invite you to following editions of the same event, unless you suggest otherwise.
  • Publishing general images and videos that could portray the audience, for informative and promotional purposes related to activities on the events organized by Grant Thornton as better specified in the section Release and Authorization for the Publication of Photos and Videos, for information and possibly promotional purposes with regard to activities related to the conferences organized by Bernoni & Partners. The processing is carried out pursuant to Law 22.4.1941, no. 633.
    Images of the public event where you should accidentally be portrayed can be published even without your consent pursuant to art. 97 of Law 633/1941. Images where you are specifically portrayed will be published upon your consent and authorization (Release and Authorization for the Publication of Photos and Videos). Data are processed pursuant to art. 6, para. 1, letter a) of the Regulation. Data will be retained for the time deemed as necessary for the performance of communication campaigns by the Data controller.

Data can be disclosed to data processors, which Grant Thornton engages within outsourcing relationships, as well as to people authorized to personal data processing, pursuant to art. 29 of the Regulation, under the direct authority of the Controller or the Processor for the purposes of this statement. Data can also be disclosed to other subsidiaries of the Data controller within promotional activities in favour of its network firms. Data processing is not subject to automated decision-making, including profiling.

Contact details will not be disseminated. General images of the event will be disseminated.